AutoIQ Core Values

Core Value


The following core values represent who we are, what we wish to achieve and is the foundation upon which we build for the future. Every member of the team must work collectively and individually with these values in mind. We must take pride in working together to provide our customers with the very best service possible, recognizing that anything less is unacceptable.



We always do what is right, not what is easy, cheap, popular or convenient – and we do so without excuse and regardless of the cost.


The good of the team comes before the personal comfort or agenda of any individual team member. We will stand in front, beside or behind our team members as the circumstance requires and will operate like a cohesive unit creating great trust. We will all uphold our end of the bargain so our teammates can trust us.
We will speak candidly and respectfully, we will endeavor to be self-aware, authentic and without political agenda. We will always tell the truth and will applaud those who bring forward issues & ideas that allow us to improve.


We recognize that at the end of it all, the ultimate differentiator to our customers and our staff is our service. We will demonstrate a desire and willingness to serve each other and our clients. We will recognize that coming from a place of genuine interest in helping our clients and co-workers, will naturally fulfill our other financial and business needs.


We will always “show up” and put forth an honest effort. We understand that often the hardest worker outperforms the best equipped, best planned and most talented. Our work ethic will be a competitive advantage. We will remain humble and will embody a “Red Belt Mentality” to remain engaged and ambitious.


We will pay meticulous attention to the details. We will become brilliant in the basics, and get the little things done right the first time.


We will strive to be better in everything we do, every experience we create, every relationship we have and in every segment we compete. We will be students of our craft and will pursue improvement at every turn. We will not settle for “Best” because our quest to improve doesn’t have a finish line.


We care deeply about our community and understand that our investment of time and other precious resources is not to obtain reciprocation, but because we have a responsibility to share our good fortunes and expertise for the betterment of all around us.